2021 Portsmouth Invitational Tournament Canceled

The Portsmouth Invitational Tournament has been canceled for a second consecutive year due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, according to an official announcement.

The tournament’s organizers indicated in their statement that the decision to cancel 2021’s event was a “very difficult” one. However, it was viewed as a necessary move given the continued declarations of emergency in Portsmouth and the State of Virginia.

The Portsmouth Invitational Tournament, which has been operating since 1953, typically takes place each April shortly after the college basketball season ends. It’s a four-day, 12-game event that showcases the year’s top college senior prospects.

While the P.I.T. has had to be canceled for two consecutive years, the organizers say they’re optimistic for next year’s tournament and will begin planning for April 2022.

Jimmy Butler, Derrick White, Richaun Holmes, Kendrick Nunn, and Sterling Brown are among the many current NBA players who have taken part in the P.I.T. in previous years.

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