New Hoops Rumors Commenting System

You may have noticed our new commenting system here at Hoops Rumors. Instead of using your Disqus profile, you’ll need to create a new account. It’s simple! Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the comments tag at the bottom of any post that you see on our front page, or scroll down to the bottom if you’re already viewing a post.
  2. Click on the “Register” button under “Leave a Reply.”
  3. Fill in the username you’d like to use and your email address, and click “Create Your Account.” Your username doesn’t have to serve as your commenting handle. It’s just a way for you to log in.
  4. Check your email inbox for an account activation message. If you don’t see one within a minute or two, check your spam folder.
  5. Click the link provided in the activation email. That will take you to a page that shows your username and the password the system has provided. You can change the password later.
  6. Click “log in.” That will take you to a page where you can enter your username and the password given to you. Do so.
  7. You’ll be directed to our front page.

You can begin commenting at this point, or you can change the settings so that your username isn’t the same as your commenting handle. Follow these directions to do that:

  1. Click on the comments tag at the bottom of any post.
  2. Click on your username. That will take you a page where you can edit your profile.
  3. This page contains a “nickname” field in which you’ll see the username you created. Click on that field and instead enter the handle that you’d like to use.
  4. Click on your username in the “Display name publicly as” field. That will give you a drop-down menu in which you can choose the handle you entered in the “nickname” field. Choose your handle.
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click the “Update Profile” button.

Now you’re free to go to our homepage or one of our posts to start commenting with your new handle. You may also want to customize your password and use something easier to remember than the one you’re automatically assigned. Follow these directions to do that:

  1. Click on the comments tag at the bottom of any post.
  2. Click on your username. That will take you to a page where you can edit your profile.
  3. Scroll toward the bottom of the page, and you’ll see a field called “New password” and another one called “Repeat new password.” Enter the password you want in both fields. The password indicator below these fields will tell you if the password you want is strong enough. Enter a stronger password, if necessary.
  4. Once you have a password that’s strong enough, scroll down and click “Update Profile.”

From here, you can again go to our homepage or one of our posts to comment, and you can log in and out with your new password whenever you need. You can also customize your profile as you see fit.

We want your input on the news and rumors you find here at Hoops Rumors, so don’t be shy, and comment as much as you’d like. Just be sure to read our Commenting Policy so you’re aware of the rules. Initially, we’ll moderate your comments before they hit the site, but once we get to know you, they’ll go straight on there.

If your comment is particularly enlightening or on point, it just might appear in our next installment of Hoops Rumors Featured Feedback! If you have any questions about setting up your account, drop us a line at and we’ll be glad to help!

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