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The Mavs have their eyes on a couple of Knicks, but reader William McGowan would prefer to see Dallas acquire the less splashy of the two, choosing Tyson Chandler over Carmelo Anthony.

  • I do not want Carmelo on this team. But if we could get Chandler back, that would make me happy again. We never should have let him go. I would love to see Luol Deng as a Maverick. He would be an upgrade over [Shawn] Marion. But I would love to see Marion back as well. We would be set at small forward. We can’t continue to have two guards that can’t defend well. One of them has to go. Though I like [Jose] Calderon, I do believe we should use him as a trade piece. Dallas has a lot of work to do to build a team for the 2014-2015 season. I am excited to see what we do.

News of mutual interest between the Lakers and Chris Bosh sparked a lively discussion with a range of opinions, but John Moore captured the general tenor of the reaction from Lakers fans.

  •  No, no, no! Trading Pau [Gasol] for another kind of Pau is the way I see it. If the Lakers get tied up in another big salary for an aging but still functional player it’s not what I see as a solution.
    A point guard that plays D would be a true asset, but there are no instant cures out there (that I see).

The Warriors made a move that had grown increasingly likely in the past several weeks, firing coach Mark Jackson despite a 51-win regular season that was the team’s best in 22 years. Jackson didn’t get along with Warriors management, and Randolph_Knackstedt sees it as an unjust dismissal that nonetheless presents an opportunity for the ousted coach.

  • Three years as the warriors coach. Each season the warriors have increased scoring and decreased opponents scoring while making it to the playoffs two years in a row. But the Warriors front office doesn’t care because they couldn’t control Jackson like they wanted to. At least Jackson can now coach for an organization that actually appreciates him.

We appreciate everyone who adds to the dialogue at Hoops Rumors, and we look forward to seeing more responses like these from you!

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